Do you have a high sensation seeking personality? Take this test
Here's an online test you can take to find out if you have a #highsensationseeking personality.
It will give you your score on all 4 aspects of #highsensationseeking
Underwater cave diving
One of the components of #highsensationseeking is thrill and adventure seeking. This component focuses on risks and unusual sensations. Nothing says adventure like diving into small dark spaces! Check out this post on sploid and the accompanying video. Would you dive so dark and deep?
Watch Two People Climb the World's Second Tallest Building
If this isn't #highsensationseeking I don't know what is!
The concept of sensation seeking
Curious about the concept of #highsensationseeking? This video is a wonderful primer to the topic.
Webinars on High Sensation Seeking Coming Soon
I'm developing a series of webinars with Cross Country Education for mental health professionals on the High Sensation Seeking personality.